Sunday, July 18, 2010

Praise The Lord

Psalms 111-117 all begin with some form of thanking God and end with the phrase "Praise the Lord."

Sometimes that's all I know to say. Nothing else I could say would be of any worth. And I've certainly learned that rambling in prayer is like seeing the same commercial over and over and over again. Pretty soon, you can recite all the dialogue in the commercial. When I ramble, prayer becomes like commercial dialogue. Old, boring, and I don't really pay attention to what I'm saying. So I decided: When I have nothing to pray, I'll simply choose to praise. Catchy don't you think?

#74-You stand on one side of a river with a fox, a chicken, and a bag of grain. Using a small boat you must transport all these things across the river. You can only take one item at a time. The problem is you can't leave the fox with the chicken while you take the grain because the chicken will get eaten by the fox. And you can't leave the grain with the chicken while you take the fox because the chicken will eat the grain. How do you get the fox, the chicken, and the grain across the river intact and alive?

Got it all by myself :)


  1. Take the chicken first. drop him off. take the fox second. pick up the chicken on the return trip. drop the chicken off, pick up the grain and drop it off with the fox then go back for the chicken?

    does that even make sense?

    and Praise. Beautiful.

    I praise God for you in my life.
    and I know He's going to do great things in and through your life.

  2. You are correct my friend :) And thank you, you are simply perfect. You've done more than you know for me this summer.
