Monday, May 10, 2010

Caving In

So...I decided this summer I wanted to document stuff I learned. All too often I go to bed at the end of the day completely unaware of all the knowledge I've gained in the past 24 hours. Some of it could be totally irrelavent but then some of it should be taken to heart. Some of it could be off the wall, never going to have an impact on anyone's life, random but then some of it could be profound, life-changing, re-shaping. I was just gonna journal about it but a blog-obsessed friend convinced me this would be way cooler. So I caved. And here's my blog.

1)I learned how to make a blog.
2)I learned that Asians do peace signs in pictures alot because it's hard to photoshop so they can prove they were actually there.
3)I learned that Coke is more than just a drink. It's an international symbol of community. Para todos.

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