Monday, November 29, 2010


I'm in the process of having a major revelation. It's not one of those things were a light bulb just goes off and you have some crazy wave of clarity. No, this is more like one of those flashlights you have to shake before you turn it on. Yeah yeah. Im shaking things up so I can see the light.

So here's this single statement that I'm beginning to understand:

Live life doing what you love to do.

Simple right? I thought so but not so much. I thought I could love alot of things. What I'm discovering is that I can like alot of things but I can only truely love a few. And I thought I could come to love things that other people love. But that's not really how it works. You can only truely love something when you experience it because you want to experience it. That's when the love is cultivated inside you. When you come to love something completely on your own.

So I think the trick is to figure out what you really love and be really good at it. Even if it's one thing. People are not all-purpose flour. Nope, we're one tiny ingredient in a really complicated recipe. Like nutmeg. Nutmeg can never be salt or basil or chocolate. Nope, nutmeg can only be nutmeg. But what nutmeg needs to realize is that she's very special to the final product.

So do what you love and do it well. Make this life your own.

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